Weekly Wishes!

weekly wishes

This weekend was a whirlwind in the very best of ways. Friday I spent cuddled up in my bed studying with D by my side. Saturday I passed my final licensure exam! I am all licensed and official to teach Special Education now! Oh, the relief.

My friend Lissette came to visit from Florida this weekend and it was so great to see her! She came up for our Alma Mater’s alumnae weekend and stayed with me Saturday night. We ended up going to the Sweetwater brewery for some Atlanta fun and then on to the zoo! We were able to see so many baby animals and the baby gorilla was one of the most precious things I’ve ever seen. Saturday night was for dancing and laughing with other alumnae at our college’s 125th birthday party! Good ole Agnes threw a good party for us.

Sunday Lissette had to leave us to drive back down to Florida, and I was in need of a relaxing day to catch up with life. I convinced D to go on a walk with me that ended up with us hanging out at the little lake in our apartment complex feeding some geese and marveling over the turtles and ducklings. We sat on the porch and just enjoyed the sunshine for a couple hours, disconnecting from the world and enjoying each other’s company. Then we came back for a nap just in time! The thunderstorms rolled in and I made sure to open all my windows to let the rain air in.

I’m so sad to see this weekend end! I think I need just one extra day!


On to weekly wishes. Last week’s goals were to

1) Get more sleep. Yep! I could still stand to work on this one but I feel a lot more caught up now!

2) Keep up with my P90X3 workouts. I’ve been doing pretty good with this! I slacked on Saturday because I was busy all day but I keep telling myself it’s worth it! 

3) Wash my face every night. Womp womp. Oh well. I did pretty well but it didn’t happen every night. Sometimes there’s just something so satisfying about falling into bed and going straight to sleep without doing any preparation. 

4) Journal every other night. I did journal quite a bit this past week. It’s helped me to process and work through some things and I feel a lot better about how my brain is working and feel more confident in my choices.

This week, my goals are pretty simple. I don’t have any more studying to do so I can work on some more self-care and work on getting some things ready for Chicago.

1) Figure out what I’m going to do with my apartment. I need to make a decision soon if I don’t want to get penalized for breaking me lease! As long as I give them enough notice I’ll be fine.

2) Plan out this coming weekend. I can’t decide if I wanna take myself on a mini-vacation or take the weekend to clean and catch up on life. I know what I should do but… my xenophilia just ignites the travel bug in me and I want to go SOMEWHERE and see new people and things!

3) Get some of my pre-institute work done for Teach for America. My licensure studying may be done but I’m no where near done with what I need to do before June! It’s a lot of work but it’s going to be so, so worth it.

4) Make some intentional time to spend with friends this week. I’ve gotten into a habit of just doing my own thing once I get home from work but I’d like to plan a couple things out of my apartment this week.

That’ll do for now. What are you goals for the week? Let me know so I can cheer you on!

The Nectar Collective

Today’s word was xenophilia- an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.

6 thoughts on “Weekly Wishes!

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting that you are now fully licensed to good to teach! Good luck with your wishes this week. It’s always hard to schedule in time with the important people in our life when things just seem so busy! I hope you have a wonderful week!


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