Weekly Wishes & Monthly Goals: April



Can you believe it’s already (about to be) April?! I can’t believe that in two short months I will be leaving Georgia to move up to Chicago! How in the world did that happen? I’m so incredibly excited to be starting this new stage of life but at the same time it’s a big change that is proving to be more stressful than I thought. This month will be full of preparation and transitions to be ready for this next step.

A friend of mine from Idaho came to visit me this weekend and we had a ton of fun exploring Atlanta as tourists and then gathering with friends of mine to take a trip to Stone Mountain and do some hiking! We picked the best of days to do our hiking because the weather was perfect! Not too hot, but warm enough to make it enjoyable. The wind at the top was incredible, so we just stayed up there long enough to catch our breath and fill up our water bottles. On the way down the mountain we were entertained by a man on his way up, playing the guitar and singing to everyone along the way. He must have had some amazing lungs to be hiking while singing! After Stone Mountain we grabbed brunch at a DELISH German bakery, paid a visit to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir and made our way home. That’s part of the ceiling in the picture above. Isn’t it gorgeous? I absolutely fell in love and felt connected in a way I haven’t in a while.

Let’s take a look at how March’s goals played out:

1) Organize my new apartment! DONE! And it feels amazing! I love being able to go home to a place that really feels like it’s mine.

2) Pay off my credit cards. Ok, I had the best of intentions here. And I did keep my spending freeze as far as clothes and wants go. I had some unexpected medical bills come up this month that took up the money that I would have been able to use for this, but I’m going to keep on trucking along and pay them down a little at a time.

3) Blog more! I did do this one! I’ve been writing more and it’s been wonderful. I’m going to try to keep up this pace especially as things are changing a ton in my life in the coming months!

Two out of three isn’t too bad! Now I’m looking forward to the month ahead and getting ready to wrap things up in Atlanta. 

1) Do The Color Run and take lots of fun pictures! I’m so excited for this! I’ve convinced some friends to do it with me this year and I think it will be a blast!

2) Get some pictures taken of D and I. Too cheesy? Maybe, but before we move away from Atlanta, I’d like some good photos of us here in the city where so much of our lives has happened.

3) Write our and plan out this month’s  Travel Series! I’m super excited to be sharing my travels with you all and just need to make myself sit down and write!

4) Spend as much time outside as possible. The weather is absolute perfection right now and is supposed to stay that way for quite a while. Sunny and in the 70s = I’m in heaven. I want to enjoy this while I can!

5) Keep going with P90X3. I can already tell it’s giving me more energy during the day and I’m super sore which means progress! I can’t wait to see what happens in the next month!

Whew! I think that’s enough for the month. It’s going to be a busy month in the best way possible and I’m ready to see everything I’ve been working for begin to come to fruition. It’s an exciting time in my world!

What are your goals for the month? Link up and let me know so that I can support you through them!


The Nectar Collective

10 thoughts on “Weekly Wishes & Monthly Goals: April

  1. Pingback: Weekly Wishes! | The Journey

    • Atlanta can be a fun city to be a tourist in. I think that living here I had forgotten that until this weekend showing my friend around! Next time you’re here you should ditch the meetings and explore around town 🙂


  2. So glad I found your blog! Especially because I am in training to become a special education teacher! Good luck on your goals for the month! I especially wish you luck with the Color Run!


    • Thanks! I’m super excited for it. I did it before in college but I was in such better shape then, haha. Now it’ll be fun just for the experience again.


  3. Good luck with your goals for this month! I’ve always wanted to do the Color Run but somehow I’m always out of town when it happens. You should definitely enjoy Atlanta before you leave! I from there and I miss it. I don’t think it’s too cheesy to take pictures. Our memory are always the first to go and having pictures helps you remember the special moments 🙂


    • Thank you! I know I’m going to miss this city when I leave too. And I agree! I think having these pictures to look back on will help us to remember our time here.


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